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The previous content of this site was closed in September 2019.

Verb conjugation search
Input a verb (recorded 286verbs) [History of Add] (update:2022/01/11)
ex)食べる, たべる, taberu, eat / 食べよう, たべよう, tabeyou / 食べ, たべ, tabe
* つ = tsu, し = shi, ち = chi, yô = you

Separation/Reading/Part of speech
Input or paste the Japanese text.

Create an original KANJI vocabulary notebook
Input or paste the Japanese text.(Less than 400 characters)

The fill-in-the-blanks question about a particle
Please paste Japanese text to make a question in the box.(Less than 400 characters)
Reference : GoogleNews (Japanese)

Display area
Kanji code number search
for The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary
Paste or input a Japanese text.(less than 1000 characters)

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